An Open Letter To That Girl With Fear Issues

I need to stop this.
I need to stop being so afraid.
I need to stop stopping things before they start.

There you are in front of me, standing so perfect, perfect for me. But here I am scared to hold you, scared to touch you in fear that I might ruin you, that I might ruin this or whatever it is that we may have.

I just... I am scared.

Scared of ruining something so beautiful.
Scared of the most senseless things.
Scared of the things with a 90% probability of not happening.

How I can I be seeking battle elsewhere when I haven't won this battle with myself?

And what really pains is everytime I pluck out the courage to try, it is already too late. I've lost. Because in reality no one ever does wait. No one waits for the unsure, we thrive for certainty. And being so unsure about myself makes me always finish last in every race.

And it sucks that I am losing this race to you again. I let that perfect person slip away because I am scared. How many the-ones-that-got-away should I have before I learn? Shit.


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