Laced Tip Red Nails

It's Chinese New Year!
It's Valentine's Day in less than 2 weeks!
And best of all, it's my 24th birthday this month!
So, given all these reasons to be festive, I decided to paint my nails red this month. Red, as you know is my favorite color. To prettify things a bit, I put lace on the tips. Scroll down for the procedure.

  1. First, I applied base coat to all my nails and then painted them with two coats of red polish.

  2. Then, I placed on the tip a piece of scrap lace and trimmed the edges to see if it will work.

    Good eh?

  3. I did this for all the nails (including the left one which is "pictured" here. hehe)

    This reminds me of little red riding hood

  4. Then, after trimming the sides, I applied a top coat and this is what happened.

    The lace turned pink even though I let dry properly...... Which is not so bad! It is more girly and Valentines-y. I love it!

Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentines!


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